Articles & Papers
ABSTRACTInternational trade pricing is defined by the concept of International Parity Price or (IPP), “The price that a purchaser pays or can expect to pay for imported goods; thus the (c.i.f.) import price plus tariff plus transport cost to the purchaser's location. This and the export parity price…
Price or pricing is probably one of the most difficult issues to resolve in the theory of economics. Transformation from a raw material to a finish product goes through several stages of pricing which is finally reflected in the ultimate price to the consumer at the checkout counter.How these prices…
This paper focuses on making a predictive analysis of a distribution system utilizing an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that shipping companies could use to predict transit time over a complex scattering of destinations. For this purpose, an introduction of machine-learning models capable of…
Read MoreTransport Financial Model Using Neural Network (ANN) in Excel
Trade and transportation are the dynamic forces behind every developed economy in the world. Flourishing nations must import and export goods in order to survive, maintain their framework and care for the market. The finance sector has long seen these factors as validation for continual investment…
Much of transportation economics is about finding optimal variables given parameters that describe freight behavior. In this case, we begin with the observed behavior and attempt to find the parameters that permit the specified relationships to fit the data most closely. We are looking at a type of…
Read MoreTrade Policy.docx
ABSTRACTIn “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu states that “Every battle is won or lost before it’s ever fought”. Détente was used during the cold war for easing strained relations, especially, in using the threat of a preempt attack. Today, a battle space has many dimensions which now include cyberspace. The…
Read MoreMaritime Trade and Tariffs
Historians tell us that between 1500 BC and 300 BC the Phoenicians a Semitic civilization that originated in the Eastern Mediterranean which included the coastline of what is now Lebanon, Israel, Gaza, Syria, and southwest Turkey dominated sea trade in the Mediterranean Sea. Later on some Phoenician…
Read MoreWorld and Regional Trade Agreements
Special Economic Zones as defined by The World Bank: " A free-trade zone (FTZ) is a specific class of special economic zone. It is a geographic area where goods may be landed, stored, handled, manufactured, or reconfigured, and re-exported under specific customs regulation and generally not subject…
Read MoreNAFTA according to Trump!
Trade disputes have marked Trump’s behavior in such patent way, that when America and Mexico announced they had agreed on changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement the markets and everyone else had a sigh of relief. Nonetheless, the pompous announcement by Trump who is now starving for a…
Read MoreIs the new deal between Mexico and the U.S. a better deal than NAFTA?
Trump said he’s “ending” NAFTA and replacing it with the “largest trade deal ever made.” The reality is that Trump cannot unilaterally end NAFTA in a constant lying, we now expect from a president who doesn’t understand treaties or could care less about telling the truth. The fact that NAFTA didn’t…
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