Articles & Papers
Transportation Models and Theories (Part One
In order to accommodate all concerning materials and still keep this paper length-readable it is made available in two parts. Freight rates in nodal format based on origin-destination published by carriers; leave out minor ports in the network. Using a minimal approach of 50 nodal points to cover…
Read MoreTransportation Models and Theories (Part Two)
By Alfonso LlanesOctober 10, 2016AbstractDifferent transportation theories were covered in part one of these papers, therefore, part two will propose a new theory based on “waterways corridor” method to analyze freight rates and how these freight rates can be established by carriers. The principle…
Read MoreTransportation Models and Theories (Part Two
Different transportation theories were covered in part one of these papers, therefore, part two will propose a new theory based on " waterways corridor " method to analyze freight rates and how these freight rates can be established by carriers. The principle proposed here is based on routing…
Read MoreInternational Trade-Theory
International trade is the inseparable companion of transportation and this paper will investigate in separate parts theory,, and the public organizations and NGO's that encompass international commerce. How cargo is classified not only for valuation of duties and taxation but for the efficient…
Read MoreInternational Trade-Technology ll
It is important to separate the different components of international trade between fixed and mobile assets. It is useful to view the fixed assets of international trade as the support functions for the mobile assets. For example seaports, airports and ground terminal for truck and rail services are…
Read MoreInternational Trade-Methodology II
In following with previous papers on international trade technology, this paper will focus on the issues related to bulk trade of commodities and exchanges such as the Baltic Exchange for contract bidding of freight carriage. Ocean is by volume the largest mover of commodities and finished goods…
ABSTRACTMay 11, 2017This paper will take a different approach to analyze the various components of trade and transportation from the perspective of the tangible complements of the industry such as the association of geographic links and commodities to weights and measures as well as time and…
The short answer to US FTA's is politics not economics. The Trump Administration likes to apply leverage when conducting negotiations about any issue, specifically, bilateral trade agreements where the US economy towers any country's GDP and it can exercise its weight. The argument goes that in…
Big Data refers to technologies and initiatives that involve data that is too diverse, fast-changing or massive for conventional technologies, skills and infrastructure to address efficiently. Specifically, Big Data relates to data creation, storage, retrieval and analysis that is remarkable in…
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