Articles & Papers
Why does President Trump take strong action on trade deficits by imposing tariffs, but completely…
Why does President Trump take strong action on trade deficits by imposing tariffs, but completely ignores budget deficits, which are significantly more dangerous to the US economy? Budget deficits are an enormous can of worms if open for inspection, especially, now days with more heterodox…
Read MoreWhat is the purpose of custom duty?
Functions of Tariffs by Definition Tariffs are considered to have three primary functions: to serve as a source of revenue, to protect domestic industries, and to remedy trade distortions (punitive function for product dumping). The revenue function income from tariffs provides governments with a…
Read MoreIf the US wants to challenge Chinese dominance of Asia, then why did Trump insist on the US leaving…
If the US wants to challenge Chinese dominance of Asia, then why did Trump insist on the US leaving TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), since TPP was designed to limit China’s influence in Asia? In 2016 the Atlantic published an article that interprets Trump’s line of thinking in a very telling…
Read MoreWhat tariff does China impose on US autos?
Trump has a lot of trouble with the facts often selecting in isolation whatever he feels like to make his point but that does not make a fact. For instance, on the issue of cars imported from China makes a case in point by singling out cars instead of a broader trade category of — motor vehicles or…
Read MoreCult followers have trouble with the facts for it would collapse their flake world
Cult followers have trouble with the facts for it would collapse their flake world
Read MoreWhich ports are textiles traded?
The end use markets determines the port of departure or entry for all textiles whether natural or technical fibers. Non‐woven are classified as disposable or durables technical textiles, industrial textiles specialty fabrics, garment fabrics medical textiles and soybean blended yarns. A report from…
Read MoreAs of July 2018, is the economy of the United States stronger than ever before?
When Trump says that Americans never had it so good, his republicans supporters certainly will agree. For many years people’s partisan loyalties adhere to whether the economy is doing well. However, in Trump’s case, his single biggest economic initiative has been a complete failure. The tax cut bill…
Read MoreHow much of US — Mexico — Canada economic improvement and growth has been due to NAFTA?
he Atlantic reports that “new research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. Supporters of NAFTA estimate that some fourteen million jobs rely on…
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