Transport Financial Model Using Neural Network (ANN) in Excel
By Alfonso Llanes
Trade and transportation are the dynamic forces behind every developed economy in the world. Flourishing nations must import and export goods in order to survive, maintain their framework and care for the market. The finance sector has long seen these factors as validation for continual investment and support, and trade is not going to cease any time soon. Many financiers are reconsidering investing heavily in commercial transport companies understanding the impact trade and transport have on both global and local economic levels. It is worth considering, however, why there has seemingly been a shift. Financiers may be hesitant to fund new trade and transport companies for many reasons among them the cost of fuels According to the New York Times, oil prices are volatile at best, and there are a few different factors that this can be attributed to. Producers around the world negotiate output and pricing, and the results of these negotiations can result in wild swings from one extreme to the other. Industries such as trade and transport are reliant upon stability of prices as fluctuations can be hazardous to business. Financiers have seen this as a liability and slacked off funding in some cases, but oil prices fluctuations cannot prevent trade and transportation from taking place around the world.