About Us
This is who we are as we strive to make the web a smarter place to exchange efficiencies and ideas.
Our focus has been to bring transparency to freight rates and automation of the process assisted by artificial intelligence (AI). One of the least understood issues is the complexity of freight rating for classes of commodities that range in quantity, volume, value, packaging, origin, and destination. These complexities are additional to the different modes of transportation of surface, ocean and air and their corresponding natural constraints of terminals and trans- boarding of cargo across varied systems of transportation and geography.
Aside from instantaneous information across platforms automating freight rates have many benefits for producers, traders, manufacturers, brokers, and many other service providers that can compare and contrasts freight rates among services needed and other service providers active in the trade lanes. The main objective is to obtain fast and accurate information about freight costing and delivery time for the different choices available in the market in order to plan and execute the best options within a given budget and time constrains.
The World Commodity Freight team includes:
Alfonso Llanes as acting director and last surviving founder of the enterprise. As a lifetime member of the transportation industry, Alfonso was also formally trained, in international development, economics and trade.
Theodore R. Bayer is an Attorney with a personal and professional relationship of 15 years.
Fabrice Pimbert is President and owner of Atlantic Marine Services and an associate member of CMA CGM Group--Marseille, France.
James Walters is a senior web developer and owner/manager of Biscayne Software
Sonia Ferrufino is a Business developer manager
Elizabeth Morales is a South America retail merchandising specialist.