Bulk Services
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Our focus has been to bring transparency to freight rates and automation of the process assisted by artificial intelligence (AI). One of the least understood issues is the complexity of freight rating for classes of commodities that range in quantity, volume, value, packaging, origin, and destination. These complexities are additional to the different modes of transportation of surface, ocean and air and their corresponding natural constraints of terminals and trans- boarding of cargo across varied systems of transportation and geography.Graphs and Indicators
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The Political Economy of International Trade
▪ One of the most salient changes in the world economy since 1980 has been the move toward freer trade among countries across the globe. How do existing theories about trade policy explain this puzzle? Three sets of explanations are prominent. First, many focus on changes in trade policy…
Read MoreWhat effect will Mexico’s retaliatory tariffs have on the United States economy?
Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on both Mexican and Canadian metal imports advanced the level of trade tensions that were already present in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). President Enrique Peña Nieto and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rebuked the United States’ decision…
Read MoreInternational Trade-Theory
International trade is the inseparable companion of transportation and this paper will investigate in separate parts theory,, and the public organizations and NGO's that encompass international commerce. How cargo is classified not only for valuation of duties and taxation but for the efficient…
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